人类是群居动物. 社会学会帮助你理解族群.
社会学是一门具有当代实用知识的社会科学. 社会学家研究社会的结构和变化, 文化和社会力量创造了我们生活和自我意识的基础. 社会学承认社会对我们是谁的影响, 全球最大的博彩平台的主观现实, 我们能做什么, 我们如何沟通,如何生活. Through the major in sociology, you’ll gain a broader understanding of its context and significance.
理解“包”意味着理解包之间的差异, 提高文化竞争力. 社会学家以使用人口数据来解释和解决问题而闻名. 你将学习如何分析国家和全球问题的行为模式, 文化价值观, 解释问题存在和动态的信念和规范. 通常讨论的社会问题包括种族主义, 性别歧视, 对老年人的歧视, 经济上的不平等, 贫困, 环境, 食物系统, 安乐死, 家庭暴力, 虐待动物, 堕胎, 强奸, 战争和权力模式.
我们的课程以学生为导向, 使你的社会学研究集中在一个主题上, 最适合你目标的主题或学习方式. You’ll create individual learning contracts that will enable you to use your creativity and specific interests to develop unique projects. 课堂学习以互动讨论的方式进行, and the program’s flexibility makes it easy for you to take advantage of study abroad opportunities.
十大正规博彩网站评级博彩平台推荐大学 文学院 & 科学 你和经典有直接联系吗, 基础广泛的教育,满足你的求知欲和职业目标. 师生比例为10:1, 小班授课和个性化学习机会, 我们把学生放在所有决策和活动的中心.
We blend the liberal arts with pre-professional courses and hands-on learning to prepare you for careers in the natural sciences, 社会科学和人文科学. 你会从小事中学习, engaging classes and relationships with faculty mentors; hone your skills to solve problems; and learn to use creativity and critical thinking to make informed decisions.
辅修社会学可以使你对这门学科有更广泛的了解, 准备让你成为一个会思考的人, 写, 说话和看世界超越个人.
谢南多学生与他们的学术顾问一起申报辅修课程. Academic Advisors will continue to work with students to ensure that they fulfill all of the requirements to complete the minor.
Incoming students should not indicate their intended minor on their Shenandoah application. 申请只适用于预期专业.
就业服务人员帮助雪兰多学生寻找和申请 实习 与他们的专业和职业目标相关. 实习 在你未来找工作的过程中,让自己与众不同, 提供你所在领域的实践全球最大的博彩平台, 让你根据自己的专业选择不同的职业道路, 并帮助你在毕业前找到一份适合你的工作.
A bachelor’s degree in sociology prepares you for careers that require cultural competency, 比如在非营利组织, 非政府组织, 市场营销, 管理, 人事和社会政策或社会学教师/教授或法律系学生. It also prepares you as someone who can think, 写, 说话和看世界超越个人.
- 人力资源通才:$45,592
- 临床研究协调员:$36,752 - $64,429
- 非营利组织项目协调员:4万美元
- 市场协调员:3.5万美元
- 销售和市场协调员:38,750美元
职业生涯 & 专业发展 provides a comprehensive range of 服务s and resources to assist Shenandoah students in their career search. 提供的服务包括制作简历和求职信, 模拟面试, 以及专业的用餐礼仪工作坊.
Classroom discussions and assessments help you practice the skill of combining a variety of facts, data, 将信念和行为模式转换成多个逻辑视图. 故事, 信念和常识性观点被解构, 然后重构成多种可能性, 让你认识到文化多样性或文化相对主义. 你会练习抽象思维, but traditional analysis is also included through reading journal articles on various topics. 你也会发展口头和书面的人际沟通技巧, 学习如何清晰有效地写作和表达你的想法.
你创建了自己的学习契约, 所以你有很多机会去开发个人项目. 在过去, students have organized fundraisers for nonprofits; created movies about eugenics, inequality in Winchester and slang; created and implemented personal research; performed cost-benefit analyses on communication technology for local law enforcement; and developed a path analysis, 小册子, application forms and comparisons with other institutions to create and maintain a citizen advisory board for a hospital.
学习支持服务提供给所有学生在每门课程谢南多厄. Free peer tutoring with a student who has previously succeeded in the course is available for any course across the university. 的 Writing Center is available for every stage of the writing process from thesis development to proofreading and bibliography assistance. 数学浓缩中心提供数学和科学援助. Professors and Academic Advisors across the university also have office hours and open door policies to ensure Shenandoah students succeed academically.
荣誉课程是一个多学科的荣誉课程,适合有好奇心的学生, 有创意的, 自我激励, 并且渴望参与他们的教育和社区.
Not only do 荣誉项目 students partake in honors courses that emphasize collaboration, 服务, 和沟通, but they will also have the opportunity to develop aspects of the program based on their own interests and goals. 通过参加荣誉课程,你将获得这些工具, knowledge and experiences necessary to make meaningful contributions to your community – whether it be globally, 在本地, 或者具体到你一生的工作. 你将有机会学习独特的课程, exciting experiences and a community of peers and faculty who never stop asking questions and striving for excellence.
Imagine participating in interesting conversations led by engaging professors who’ve already done what you dream of doing. You’ll be in a small class — the average class size is approximately 12 students — with professors who know your name, 关心你的成功,并在你追求学业和职业目标时提供建议.
十大正规博彩网站评级博彩平台推荐大学 works on rolling admissions and accepts applications throughout the year. 对申请进行单独和全面的审查.
Submit your application, review required admission materials, and find our admissions standards.
让出国留学成为你大学生活的亮点! 不管你是去一年,一个学期,还是几个星期. 你永远不会忘记在另一种文化中的学习! 的 Center for International Programs is here to help you plan your study abroad experience. Start your planning early to ensure the courses you complete abroad count toward your degree and you graduate on time.
全球体验式学习(GEL)项目为谢南多学生提供短期的学习机会, faculty-led, 有海外留学经历,获得学分. 这些短期, credit-bearing, 教师主导的项目提供寒假, 春假, 在夏天. 如果一门课程不是你的专业,它可以作为选修课.
My favorite part of the GEL trip to Uganda was getting to interact with our translators. 的y were both men, and about the same age as me, but had completely different lives than me. 然而,我们都在类似的事情中找到了兴奋,比如扔球或飞盘. It was just really interesting to see that even in a country and culture that is so different from where I live, 我仍然找到了相似之处,并与同龄的人交朋友. 很荣幸能回来. I have always been conscious and skeptical about the fact that I have so much without having had to work for it, 这次旅行对我来说更强调了这一点. I grew up in a predominantly white school district where most of my classmates’ families had a lot of money, 孩子们没有意识到他们有多么幸运能拥有他们所做的一切. This trip has certainly made me more aware of how much I have and made me more grateful for everything I do have.
Kyle Hooven ' 20 |心理学 & 社会学双学位
全球最大的博彩平台是国际学生交流计划(ISEP)的成员。, 由300所大学组成的全球网络. This partnership allows students to study for a full semester or year at other member campuses abroad. 通过与他们的学术顾问和留学顾问密切合作, 学生可以在获得谢南多学分的同时,在国外学习英语授课.
十大正规博彩网站评级博彩平台推荐大学 also maintains direct partnerships with several universities around the world. 的se relationships allow students from SU to study abroad as exchange students and students from these universities to study at SU. 所有合作大学都提供英语授课课程.