Preparing 制药acists for the Future
十大正规博彩网站评级博彩平台推荐大学’s Bernard J. 邓恩药学院为您准备迎接今天和明天不断发展的医疗保健行业的挑战, effectively serve patients in a diverse range of settings, and become a valued member of the 药店 profession.
招生 Information
Admission to the Bernard J. 邓恩药学院每年秋季都以滚动方式接受该计划.
Explore our Doctor of 药店 (制药.D.)途径
Learn in an environment that meets your needs.
Explore our 双学位 项目
Expand your studies to set yourself apart.
Explore Additional Offerings
十大正规博彩网站评级博彩平台推荐大学’s Bernard J. 邓恩药学院提供最先进的设施, 小班授课, 访问教师, individualized attention, innovative technology and international travel.
Working with faculty members, 药剂师校长, other healthcare professionals, and fellow students from Shenandoah’s nursing, 医师助理, 公共卫生, and physical therapy 程序s, 你们将提供宝贵的医疗服务,为当地社区和世界各地服务不足的人群带来改变. Our close proximity to Washington, D.C., 以及美国国立卫生研究院和食品及药物管理局等联邦机构, provide access to summer internships, 独特的全球最大的博彩平台轮岗和宝贵的职业全球最大的博彩平台.
Unique Rotation Opportunities
of Students Receive Scholarships
Enrolled in 双学位 项目
邓恩药学院的教职员工致力于提供一个积极的学习环境,让学生在专业和个人方面都能成长. With a student-to-faculty ratio of 10 to 1, 您将享受与教师的密切关系,他们关心并致力于为您在药房的职业生涯做好准备. During your first semester, 你将与一位指导老师合作,他将在项目期间为你提供指导.
Ademutola Akinnuoye '22
“我们拥有全国最好的职业学校之一. Shenandoah is very innovative, very high-technology. 另外,如果你想把重点放在一个较小的学校,学校的教育工作者 药店 知道你的名字. 我的老师们被我称为“妈妈”和“爸爸”,因为我离家太远了. 十大正规博彩网站评级博彩平台推荐大学 caters to the student, entirely."
"There's not a ton of schools with the 工商管理硕士/制药.D. 双学位. But I was really looking for a kind of smaller school ,我也想要一所有很多机会的好学校. Shenandoah is really close to D.C. – that gives you a lot of opportunities, nationally. 我最喜欢的一件事就是去国会山,和参议员和他们的工作人员谈论有关的不同政策 药店. 我们还与约翰霍普金斯大学(马里兰州巴尔的摩市)有四年的轮岗合作. We have a clinical track with them."
制药D /工商管理硕士
"I chose SU because when started searching in high school, they had everything I wanted, and with the guaranteed admit, I didn't have to reapply to graduate school, 后来. Everyone here is just great. Your friends are great; the professors are so awesome. 的本科毕业生, 在我的研究中, I went fishing with my professor every week, and I got help from them, 当我需要的时候, during their office hours. My undergraduate classes prepared me for graduate school. I think they really set us up for success here."
"Shenandoah felt like family - it felt like home. All the faculty and staff are very friendly. The students are very friendly. It just seemed like the right place for me. 有这么多不同的选择,我从来不知道有一个 药店 学位. I don't just have to go to retail; I can do so many other things: outpatient, 住院病人, 医院, 我可以做长期护理——我能想到的任何事情都在等着我."
药学院 新闻: Spring 2024
全球最大的博彩平台药学专业的学生乔·罗宾逊(图4)是2024年哈维·B. Morgan Award for Advancing 健康 Policy. 在其他标准中, recipients must demonstrate exceptional service, 活动, and commitment in the area of ... 继续阅读 药学院 新闻: Spring…
Shenandoah 药店 Program Expands 在线 Options
十大正规博彩网站评级博彩平台推荐大学’s Bernard J. Dunn 药学院 is expanding its 制药.D. 该项目包括一个在线混合路径,为四年制药学专业的学生提供灵活的参与选择和“按需”学习.D. 程序. 新 ... 继续阅读 Shenandoah 药店 Program Expands 在线…
药店/Public 健康 Student Receives National Accolade
全球最大的博彩平台药学博士和公共卫生硕士学生Derek King '23, 获得美国公共卫生服务(USPHS)卓越公共卫生药房奖. Out of the 88 recipients from ... 继续阅读 药店/Public 健康 Student Receives National…
超过85%的学生药剂师参加了学生组织,他们的贡献是广泛而多样的. Our student pharmacists sponsor and coordinate community projects and health fairs; are active in professional organizations at the local, state and national levels; and influence decisions within the School and on campus through representation in governing committees and special projects.
十大正规博彩网站评级博彩平台推荐大学, a leader in online 药店 education, 现在通过机构合同协议或访问学生身份提供补救解决方案.
Accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges & 全球最大的博彩平台药学院自1999年以来一直是补习课程的主要提供者. Our online learning environment provides engaging, rich media course material in a flexible, easy-to-access format that is available 24/7.
药房补救 Courses
We had a great experience. 在线课程为学生提供了一个很好的选择. 苏大的教师和工作人员对模块的进展以及我们需要采取的步骤进行了很好的交流,以确保学分的转移. I will definitely keep this as an option for our students!”
詹妮弗·马修斯博士.D. | Regional Dean and Associate Professor, Albany College of 药店 and 健康 科学, 佛蒙特大学